CARBON CURB is the offer we are making to cement and concrete manufacturers, who wish to adopt a more sustainable approach to concrete design, by lowering the composition of  its highest emission component - portland cement.

This is for manufacturers to observe firsthand, that high performance and durability at a low carbon footprint is possible and seamless to achieve in cement and concrete, by simply blending those materials  with NANOARC's proprietary Quantum-Phase nanotechnology solutions - QUANTCEM & QUANTCRETE

To help you get started,  we offer one-off discounts on defined products,  in 2 phases :



The discounts are eligible for clients making a 12 Month commitment to CARBON CURB, starting from any date of their choosing.


PHASE 1  -  15%  OFF  :  CARBON1

PHASE 1  -  25%  OFF  :  CARBON2

**Minimum order quantities apply.


Start at 25% less cement in the first quarter then trust yourself to 50, 75 and 100% less conventional cement, in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters of the year, counting from the month you begin. For any dosage enquiries as you go along, do not hesitate to contact us.

With the test data you independently modify the doses provided on our website under the product technical data section(s) and have measurable evidence of accomplishing your CARBON CURB goal, with the associated carbon credits gained.

In addition to lowering your carbon emissions budget, we cap your WORLDWIDE shipping, to any project location of your choice at $105.

Ready to TRULY curb the carbon footprint of concrete?