In an industry accustomed to operating with high volumes, nanotechnology is  the exact opposite and comprehending the nature thereof, can somewhat become an enigma.

We are your guiding compass in the exploration and understanding of how to connect the essential dots, see the fine details that are easily overlooked and yield unprecedented results from the vast benefits only available in the world of nanotechnology and more specifically, quantum materials.

Being academics who transitioned into industry, we understand both worlds :

We help academic researchers understand how to advance basic research into industrial practial solutions and subsequently, we guide industrial clients in understanding what the distinct classes of nanomaterials are and how to adopt them efficiently and cost-effectively gain a competitive edge.


Uniqueness is an advantageous challenge.

From understanding the technical challenges, this proceeds by way of providing bespoke strategies for your product development and upon request, the integration of nanomaterial solutions developed by our team, to blend seamlessly with your existing platforms, while coherently lowering production costs.

Effectively, we shorten your learning curve, help you become more sustianable by circumventing toxic material choices that may be standard in the industry and replace them with with safer and more superior performing systems, that we supply or (custom) manufacture for you, upon request.

In a nutshell, with our consultancy services, you are well poised to grow competitively and stay ahead of the curve. 


Inventors best comprehend their inventions.

NANOARCs' CONSULTANCY Division, offers knowledge built on the bedrock of 2 decades of versatile experience in the nanotechnology domain.

With substantial knowledge in atomically-architectured nanomaterial design and manufacture, we are flexibly positioned to provide both strategic counsel on how to improve your products or processes and also, develop the designated nanomaterial systems you need to attain your goals.

Whether you're expanding your portfolio, looking to add a touch of ingenuity to your existing product(s), redefine them on the next level or enhance your R&D effort, we can help.